The Transition Year (TY) is a one-year programme. It is designed to act as a bridge between the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate programmes. Transition Year offers learners an opportunity to mature and develop without the pressure of an examination. It also provides an opportunity for learners to prepare for the ever-changing demands of the adult world of work, further and higher education and relationships.
The Transition Year offers students an opportunity:
Core Subjects:
All Shook Up TY Musical December 2016 |
Students sample ALL the following subjects for a 7 week module in Transition Year enabling them to make a more informed subject choice for 4th year:
The following life skills are also offered to students :
Work Experience
It is intended that the Transition Year should create opportunities to vary the learning environment. One of the ways of doing this, and of providing an orientation towards the world of work, is to include a component of actual work experience. Students engage in career orientated work experience for 2 weeks in December. On returning to the classroom, students are given sufficient time and opportunity in careers class to debrief, report back and evaluate their experience. Presentations are made by students to their peers as part of this evaluation day. |
Wednesday Activities Programme Guest Speakers / Workshops / Projects include:
There is no state examination at the end of Transition Year. Assessment is usually carried out on an ongoing basis and can include school-based assessment of projects or portfolios, oral, aural, practical and written activities. Since 2000, the Department of Education and Science has issued an official Transition Year certificate to participants. School based certification is based on credits awarded to each module/subject in which the student participates. Four student reports are completed during the course of the year. Overall credits awarded for participation in the TY Programme will result in the pupils achieving one of the following certificates on completion of Transition Year: Distinction 85% Commendation 55% Merit 70% Pass 40% |
Tel: 091 844144 Roll No: 62870G |